Welcome! I'm Meredith Cook.

I'm a stay-at-home mom moonlighting as an author and writer of grants. Subscribe to my newsletter below (coming soon).

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What is Christian Writing?

What is Christian Writing?

Christian writing is that which promotes our word-centric faith.

8 Reflections for Back to School

8 Reflections for Back to School

Writing down some reminders for myself as we enter a new chapter of school-age children.

6 Books That Have Stuck with Me Over the Years

6 Books That Have Stuck with Me Over the Years

I've read a lot of books over the years, but these are a few that have been the most impactful over the years.

Reading Roundup- June 2024

Reading Roundup- June 2024

Every month, I offer a list of articles (and sometimes books) that I believe are worthwhile reads.

Presence Over Platform- Christian Writing As An Act of Stewardship

Presence Over Platform- Christian Writing As An Act of Stewardship

I believe that approaching Christian writing as an act of stewardship is a vital perspective and runs counter to the pursuit of a platform.

Unseen, Overlooked, and Disregarded

Unseen, Overlooked, and Disregarded

My review of "You Are Not Forgotten" by Christine Hoover.

Reading Roundup- May 2024

Reading Roundup- May 2024

Every month, I offer a list of articles (and sometimes books) that I believe are worthwhile reads.

Fourteen Random Thoughts About Motherhood

Fourteen Random Thoughts About Motherhood

In honor of Mother's Day yesterday, I thought I'd publish a list of thoughts I've been writing down as I spend the days with my kids.

What is considered normal in your household?

What is considered normal in your household?

My review of "Habits of the Household" by Justin Whitmel Earley.