Welcome! I'm Meredith Cook.

I'm a stay-at-home mom moonlighting as an author and writer of grants. Subscribe to my newsletter below (coming soon).

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3 Things to Remember When You Teach the Bible

3 Things to Remember When You Teach the Bible

Teaching God’s Word is a privilege. It’s a responsibility we should take seriously.

Get Excited to Talk to Others About Jesus

Get Excited to Talk to Others About Jesus

What if I spoke to others with as much excitement about Jesus as I do about a host of other things?

6 Ways to Fight Frustration in Ministry

6 Ways to Fight Frustration in Ministry

What if I spoke to others with as much excitement about Jesus as I do about a host of other things?

4 Reasons Why I Appreciate Expository Preaching

4 Reasons Why I Appreciate Expository Preaching

I will never stop learning about the Bible, which is why I appreciate expository preaching.

3 Reasons to Learn from the Old Testament

3 Reasons to Learn from the Old Testament

I’ve grown to love the Old Testament for these reasons.

Discipleship Beyond Peer Circles

Discipleship Beyond Peer Circles

It matters that members of the church body—made up of a diversity of people—practice intentional fellowship with each other.

3 Reasons Eschatology Matters for Good Works

3 Reasons Eschatology Matters for Good Works

Our hope in Christ's return uniquely motivates us to do good works while proclaiming the saving truth of the gospel.

A Snapshot Biblical Theology of Missions

A Snapshot Biblical Theology of Missions

The local church should be the center of the missionary sending process and should take responsibility for providing member care to its members who it sends out.

Your Church's Continued Responsibility for its Sent Ones

Your Church's Continued Responsibility for its Sent Ones

The local church should be the center of the missionary sending process and should take responsibility for providing member care to its members who it sends out.